Chapter XIV

Diseases of the genitourinary system

Other diseases of urinary system

Excludes: urinary infection (complicating):
· abortion or ectopic or molar pregnancy ( O00-O07 , O08.8 )
· pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium ( O23.- , O75.3 , O86.2 )
· with urolithiasis ( N20-N23 )

N30 Cystitis
Use additional code, if desired, to identify infectious agent (B95-B97) or responsible external agent (Chapter XX).
Excludes: prostatocystitis ( N41.3 )
N30.0 Acute cystitis
Excludes: irradiation cystitis ( N30.4 )
trigonitis ( N30.3 )
N30.1 Interstitial cystitis (chronic)
N30.2 Other chronic cystitis
N30.3 Trigonitis
N30.4 Irradiation cystitis
N30.8 Other cystitis
Abscess of bladder
N30.9 Cystitis, unspecified

N31 Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder, not elsewhere classified
Excludes: cord bladder NOS ( G95.8 )
due to spinal cord lesion ( G95.8 )
neurogenic bladder due to cauda equina syndrome ( G83.4 )
urinary incontinence:
· NOS ( R32 )
· specified ( N39.3-N39.4 )
N31.0 Uninhibited neuropathic bladder, not elsewhere classified
N31.1 Reflex neuropathic bladder, not elsewhere classified
N31.2 Flaccid neuropathic bladder, not elsewhere classified
Neuropathic bladder:
· atonic (motor)(sensory)
· autonomous
· nonreflex
N31.8 Other neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder
N31.9 Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder, unspecified
Neurogenic bladder dysfunction NOS

N32 Other disorders of bladder
Excludes: calculus in bladder ( N21.0 )
cystocele ( N81.1 )
hernia or prolapse of bladder, female ( N81.1 )
N32.0 Bladder-neck obstruction
Bladder-neck stenosis (acquired)
N32.1 Vesicointestinal fistula
Vesicorectal fistula
N32.2 Vesical fistula, not elsewhere classified
Excludes: fistula between bladder and female genital tract ( N82.0-N82.1 )
N32.3 Diverticulum of bladder
Diverticulitis of bladder
Excludes: calculus in diverticulum of bladder ( N21.0 )
N32.4 Rupture of bladder, nontraumatic
N32.8 Other specified disorders of bladder
· calcified
· contracted
N32.9 Bladder disorder, unspecified

N33* Bladder disorders in diseases classified elsewhere
N33.0* Tuberculous cystitis ( A18.1+ )
N33.8* Bladder disorders in other diseases classified elsewhere
Bladder disorder in schistosomiasis [bilharziasis] ( B65.-+ )

N34 Urethritis and urethral syndrome
Use additional code (B95-B97), if desired, to identify infectious agent.
Excludes: Reiter's disease ( M02.3 )
urethritis in diseases with a predominantly sexual mode of transmission ( A50-A64 )
urethrotrigonitis ( N30.3 )
N34.0 Urethral abscess
Abscess (of):
· Cowper's gland
· Littré's gland
· periurethral
· urethral (gland)
Excludes: urethral caruncle ( N36.2 )
N34.1 Nonspecific urethritis
· nongonococcal
· nonvenereal
N34.2 Other urethritis
Meatitis, urethral
Ulcer of urethra (meatus)
· postmenopausal
N34.3 Urethral syndrome, unspecified

N35 Urethral stricture
Excludes: postprocedural urethral stricture ( N99.1 )
N35.0 Post-traumatic urethral stricture
Stricture of urethra as a sequela of:
· childbirth
· injury
N35.1 Postinfective urethral stricture, not elsewhere classified
N35.8 Other urethral stricture
N35.9 Urethral stricture, unspecified
Pinhole meatus NOS

N36 Other disorders of urethra
N36.0 Urethral fistula
False urethral passage
· urethroperineal
· urethrorectal
· urinary NOS
Excludes: fistula:
· urethroscrotal ( N50.8 )
· urethrovaginal ( N82.1 )
N36.1 Urethral diverticulum
N36.2 Urethral caruncle
N36.3 Prolapsed urethral mucosa
Prolapse of urethra
Urethrocele, male
Excludes: urethrocele, female ( N81.0 )
N36.8 Other specified disorders of urethra
N36.9 Urethral disorder, unspecified

N37* Urethral disorders in diseases classified elsewhere
N37.0* Urethritis in diseases classified elsewhere
Candidal urethritis ( B37.4+ )
N37.8* Other urethral disorders in diseases classified elsewhere

N39 Other disorders of urinary system
Excludes: haematuria:
· NOS ( R31 )
· recurrent and persistent ( N02.- )
· with specified morphological lesion ( N02.- )
proteinuria NOS ( R80 )
N39.0 Urinary tract infection, site not specified
Use additional code (B95-B97), if desired, to identify infectious agent.
N39.1 Persistent proteinuria, unspecified
Excludes: complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium ( O11-O15 )
with specified morphological lesion ( N06.- )
N39.2 Orthostatic proteinuria, unspecified
Excludes: with specified morphological lesion ( N06.- )
N39.3 Stress incontinence
Use additional code (N32.8), if desired, to identify overactive bladder or detrusor muscle hyperactivity.
N39.4 Other specified urinary incontinence
Use additional code (N32.8), if desired, to identify overactive bladder or detrusor muscle hyperactivity.
Excludes: enuresis NOS ( R32 )
urinary incontinence (of):
· NOS ( R32 )
· nonorganic origin ( F98.0 )
N39.8 Other specified disorders of urinary system
N39.9 Disorder of urinary system, unspecified