Chapter XV

Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium

Complications predominantly related to the puerperium

Note: Categories O88.-, O91.- and O92.- include the listed conditions even if they occur during pregnancy and childbirth.
Excludes: mental and behavioural disorders associated with the puerperium ( F53.- )
obstetrical tetanus ( A34 )
puerperal osteomalacia ( M83.0 )

O85 Puerperal sepsis
· endometritis
· fever
· peritonitis
· septicaemia
Use additional code (B95-B97), if desired, to identify infectious agent.
Excludes: obstetric pyaemic and septic embolism ( O88.3 )
septicaemia during labour ( O75.3 )

O86 Other puerperal infections
Use additional code (B95-B97), if desired, to identify infectious agent.
Excludes: infection during labour ( O75.3 )
O86.0 Infection of obstetric surgical wound
· caesarean section wound
· perineal repair
following delivery
O86.1 Other infection of genital tract following delivery
following delivery
O86.2 Urinary tract infection following delivery
Conditions in N10-N12, N15.-, N30.-, N34.-, N39.0 following delivery
O86.3 Other genitourinary tract infections following delivery
Puerperal genitourinary tract infection NOS
O86.4 Pyrexia of unknown origin following delivery
· infection NOS
· pyrexia NOS
Excludes: puerperal fever ( O85 )
pyrexia during labour ( O75.2 )
O86.8 Other specified puerperal infections

O87 Venous complications in the puerperium
Includes: in labour, delivery and the puerperium
Excludes: obstetric embolism ( O88.- )
venous complications in pregnancy ( O22.- )
O87.0 Superficial thrombophlebitis in the puerperium
O87.1 Deep phlebothrombosis in the puerperium
Deep-vein thrombosis, postpartum
Pelvic thrombophlebitis, postpartum
O87.2 Haemorrhoids in the puerperium
O87.3 Cerebral venous thrombosis in the puerperium
Cerebrovenous sinus thrombosis in the puerperium
O87.8 Other venous complications in the puerperium
Genital varices in the puerperium
O87.9 Venous complication in the puerperium, unspecified
· phlebitis NOS
· phlebopathy NOS
· thrombosis NOS

O88 Obstetric embolism
Includes: pulmonary emboli in pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium
Excludes: embolism complicating abortion or ectopic or molar pregnancy ( O00-O07 , O08.2 )
O88.0 Obstetric air embolism
O88.1 Amniotic fluid embolism
O88.2 Obstetric blood-clot embolism
Obstetric (pulmonary) embolism NOS
Puerperal (pulmonary) embolism NOS
O88.3 Obstetric pyaemic and septic embolism
O88.8 Other obstetric embolism
Obstetric fat embolism

O89 Complications of anaesthesia during the puerperium
Includes: maternal complications arising from the administration of a general or local anaesthetic, analgesic or other sedation during the puerperium
O89.0 Pulmonary complications of anaesthesia during the puerperium
Aspiration pneumonitis
Inhalation of stomach contents or secretions NOS
Mendelson's syndrome
Pressure collapse of lung
due to anaesthesia during the puerperium
O89.1 Cardiac complications of anaesthesia during the puerperium
· arrest
· failure
due to anaesthesia during the puerperium
O89.2 Central nervous system complications of anaesthesia during the puerperium
Cerebral anoxia due to anaesthesia during the puerperium
O89.3 Toxic reaction to local anaesthesia during the puerperium
O89.4 Spinal and epidural anaesthesia-induced headache during the puerperium
O89.5 Other complications of spinal and epidural anaesthesia during the puerperium
O89.6 Failed or difficult intubation during the puerperium
O89.8 Other complications of anaesthesia during the puerperium
O89.9 Complication of anaesthesia during the puerperium, unspecified

O90 Complications of the puerperium, not elsewhere classified
O90.0 Disruption of caesarean section wound
O90.1 Disruption of perineal obstetric wound
Disruption of wound of:
· episiotomy
· perineal laceration
Secondary perineal tear
O90.2 Haematoma of obstetric wound
O90.3 Cardiomyopathy in the puerperium
Conditions in I42.-
O90.4 Postpartum acute renal failure
Hepatorenal syndrome following labour and delivery
O90.5 Postpartum thyroiditis
O90.8 Other complications of the puerperium, not elsewhere classified
Placental polyp
O90.9 Complication of the puerperium, unspecified

O91 Infections of breast associated with childbirth
Includes: the listed conditions during pregnancy, the puerperium or lactation
O91.0 Infection of nipple associated with childbirth
Abscess of nipple:
· gestational
· puerperal
O91.1 Abscess of breast associated with childbirth
Mammary abscess
Purulent mastitis
Subareolar abscess
gestational or puerperal
O91.2 Nonpurulent mastitis associated with childbirth
Lymphangitis of breast
· interstitial
· parenchymatous
gestational or puerperal

O92 Other disorders of breast and lactation associated with childbirth
Includes: the listed conditions during pregnancy, the puerperium or lactation
O92.0 Retracted nipple associated with childbirth
O92.1 Cracked nipple associated with childbirth
Fissure of nipple, gestational or puerperal
O92.2 Other and unspecified disorders of breast associated with childbirth
O92.3 Agalactia
Primary agalactia
O92.4 Hypogalactia
O92.5 Suppressed lactation
· elective
· secondary
· therapeutic
O92.6 Galactorrhoea
Excludes: galactorrhoea not associated with childbirth ( N64.3 )
O92.7 Other and unspecified disorders of lactation
Puerperal galactocele