Chapter XIII

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue

Osteopathies and chondropathies

Other osteopathies

Excludes: postprocedural osteopathies ( M96.- )

M86 Osteomyelitis
[See site code at the beginning of this chapter ]
Use additional code (B95-B97), if desired, to identify infectious agent.
Excludes: osteomyelitis (of):
· due to salmonella ( A01-A02 )
· jaw ( K10.2 )
· vertebra ( M46.2 )
M86.0 Acute haematogenous osteomyelitis
M86.1 Other acute osteomyelitis
M86.2 Subacute osteomyelitis
M86.3 Chronic multifocal osteomyelitis
M86.4 Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus
M86.5 Other chronic haematogenous osteomyelitis
M86.6 Other chronic osteomyelitis
M86.8 Other osteomyelitis
Brodie's abscess
M86.9 Osteomyelitis, unspecified
Infection of bone NOS
Periostitis without mention of osteomyelitis

M87 Osteonecrosis
[See site code at the beginning of this chapter ]
Includes: avascular necrosis of bone
Excludes: osteochondropathies ( M91-M93 )
M87.0 Idiopathic aseptic necrosis of bone
M87.1 Osteonecrosis due to drugs
Use additional external cause code (Chapter XX), if desired, to identify drug.
M87.2 Osteonecrosis due to previous trauma
M87.3 Other secondary osteonecrosis
M87.8 Other osteonecrosis
M87.9 Osteonecrosis, unspecified

M88 Paget's disease of bone [osteitis deformans]
[See site code at the beginning of this chapter ]
M88.0 Paget's disease of skull
M88.8 Paget's disease of other bones
M88.9 Paget's disease of bone, unspecified

M89 Other disorders of bone
[See site code at the beginning of this chapter]
M89.0 Algoneurodystrophy
Shoulder-hand syndrome
Sudeck's atrophy
Sympathetic reflex dystrophy
M89.1 Epiphyseal arrest
M89.2 Other disorders of bone development and growth
M89.3 Hypertrophy of bone
M89.4 Other hypertrophic osteoarthropathy
Marie-Bamberger disease
M89.5 Osteolysis
Excludes: postoperative (M96.8 )
M89.6 Osteopathy after poliomyelitis
Use additional code (B91), if desired, to identify previous poliomyelitis.
M89.8 Other specified disorders of bone
#M89.80 Infantile cortical hyperostoses
#M89.88 Other specified disorders of bone
Post-traumatic subperiosteal ossification
M89.9 Disorder of bone, unspecified

M90* Osteopathies in diseases classified elsewhere
[See site code at the beginning of this chapter ]
M90.0* Tuberculosis of bone ( A18.0+ )
Excludes: tuberculosis of spine ( M49.0* )
M90.1* Periostitis in other infectious diseases classified elsewhere
Secondary syphilitic periostitis ( A51.4+ )
M90.2* Osteopathy in other infectious diseases classified elsewhere
· echinococcal ( B67.2+ )
· gonococcal ( A54.4+ )
· salmonella ( A02.2+ )
Syphilitic osteopathy or osteochondropathy ( A50.5+ , A52.7+ )
M90.3* Osteonecrosis in caisson disease ( T70.3+ )
M90.4* Osteonecrosis due to haemoglobinopathy ( D50-D64+ )
M90.5* Osteonecrosis in other diseases classified elsewhere
M90.6* Osteitis deformans in neoplastic disease ( C00-D48+ )
Osteitis deformans in malignant neoplasm of bone ( C40-C41+ )
M90.7* Fracture of bone in neoplastic disease ( C00-D48+ )
Excludes: collapse of vertebra in neoplastic disease ( M49.5* )
M90.8* Osteopathy in other diseases classified elsewhere
Osteopathy in renal osteodystrophy ( N25.0+ )