Chapter XX

External causes of morbidity and mortality


Other external causes of accidental injury

Exposure to electric current, radiation and extreme ambient air temperature and pressure

[See at the beginning of this chapter for the classification of the place of occurrence and activity]
Excludes: abnormal reaction to a complication of treatment, without mention of misadventure ( Y84.2 )
misadventure to patient in surgical and medical procedures ( Y63.2-Y63.5 )
exposure to:
· natural:
  · cold ( X31 )
  · heat ( X30 )
· radiation NOS ( X39 )
· sunlight ( X32 )
victim of lightning ( X33 )

W85 Exposure to electric transmission lines
[See at the beginning of this chapter for the classification of the place of occurrence and activity]

W86 Exposure to other specified electric current
[See at the beginning of this chapter for the classification of the place of occurrence and activity]

W87 Exposure to unspecified electric current
[See at the beginning of this chapter for the classification of the place of occurrence and activity]
Includes: burns or other injury from electric current NOS
electric shock NOS
electrocution NOS

W88 Exposure to ionizing radiation
[See at the beginning of this chapter for the classification of the place of occurrence and activity]
Includes: radioactive isotopes

W89 Exposure to man-made visible and ultraviolet light
[See at the beginning of this chapter for the classification of the place of occurrence and activity]
Includes: welding light (arc)

W90 Exposure to other nonionizing radiation
[See at the beginning of this chapter for the classification of the place of occurrence and activity]
Includes: infrared

W91 Exposure to unspecified type of radiation
[See at the beginning of this chapter for the classification of the place of occurrence and activity]

W92 Exposure to excessive heat of man-made origin
[See at the beginning of this chapter for the classification of the place of occurrence and activity]

W93 Exposure to excessive cold of man-made origin
[See at the beginning of this chapter for the classification of the place of occurrence and activity]
Includes: contact with or inhalation of:
· dry ice
· liquid:
  · air
  · hydrogen
  · nitrogen
prolonged exposure in deep-freeze unit

W94 Exposure to high and low air pressure and changes in air pressure
[See at the beginning of this chapter for the classification of the place of occurrence and activity]
Includes: high air pressure from rapid descent in water
reduction in atmospheric pressure while surfacing from:
· deep-water diving
· underground
residence or prolonged visit at high altitude as the cause of:
· anoxia
· barodontalgia
· barotitis
· hypoxia
· mountain sickness
sudden change in air pressure in aircraft during ascent or descent

W99 Exposure to other and unspecified man-made environmental factors
[See at the beginning of this chapter for the classification of the place of occurrence and activity]