Chapter XVI

Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period

Haemorrhagic and haematological disorders of fetus and newborn

Excludes: congenital stenosis and stricture of bile ducts ( Q44.3 )
Crigler-Najjar syndrome ( E80.5 )
Dubin-Johnson syndrome ( E80.6 )
Gilbert's syndrome ( E80.4 )
hereditary haemolytic anaemias ( D55-D58 )

P50 Fetal blood loss
Excludes: congenital anaemia from fetal blood loss ( P61.3 )
P50.0 Fetal blood loss from vasa praevia
P50.1 Fetal blood loss from ruptured cord
P50.2 Fetal blood loss from placenta
P50.3 Haemorrhage into co-twin
P50.4 Haemorrhage into maternal circulation
P50.5 Fetal blood loss from cut end of co-twin's cord
P50.8 Other fetal blood loss
P50.9 Fetal blood loss, unspecified
Fetal haemorrhage NOS

P51 Umbilical haemorrhage of newborn
Excludes: omphalitis with mild haemorrhage ( P38 )
P51.0 Massive umbilical haemorrhage of newborn
P51.8 Other umbilical haemorrhages of newborn
Slipped umbilical ligature NOS
P51.9 Umbilical haemorrhage of newborn, unspecified

P52 Intracranial nontraumatic haemorrhage of fetus and newborn
Includes: intracranial haemorrhage due to anoxia or hypoxia
Excludes: intracranial haemorrhage due to injury:
· birth ( P10.- )
· maternal ( P00.5 )
· other ( S06.- )
P52.0 Intraventricular (nontraumatic) haemorrhage, grade 1, of fetus and newborn
Subependymal haemorrhage (without intraventricular extension)
P52.1 Intraventricular (nontraumatic) haemorrhage, grade 2, of fetus and newborn