Chapter XX

External causes of morbidity and mortality

Sequelae of external causes of morbidity and mortality

Note: Categories Y85-Y89 are to be used to indicate circumstances as the cause of death, impairment or disability from sequelae or "late effects", which are themselves classified elsewhere. The sequelae include conditions reported as such, or occurring as "late effects" one year or more after the originating event.

Y85 Sequelae of transport accidents
Y85.0 Sequelae of motor-vehicle accident
Y85.9 Sequelae of other and unspecified transport accidents

Y86 Sequelae of other accidents

Y87 Sequelae of intentional self-harm, assault and events of undetermined intent
Y87.0 Sequelae of intentional self-harm
Y87.1 Sequelae of assault
Y87.2 Sequelae of events of undetermined intent

Y88 Sequelae with surgical and medical care as external cause
Y88.0 Sequelae of adverse effects caused by drugs, medicaments and biological substances in therapeutic use
Y88.1 Sequelae of misadventures to patients during surgical and medical procedures
Y88.2 Sequelae of adverse incidents associated with medical devices in diagnostic and therapeutic use
Y88.3 Sequelae of surgical and medical procedures as the cause of abnormal reaction of the patient, or of later complication, without mention of misadventure at the time of the procedure

Y89 Sequelae of other external causes
Y89.0 Sequelae of legal intervention
Y89.1 Sequelae of war operations
Y89.9 Sequelae of unspecified external cause