Chapter XV

Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium

Other maternal disorders predominantly related to pregnancy

Note: Categories O24.- and O25 include the listed conditions even if they occur during childbirth or the puerperium.
Excludes: maternal:
· care related to the fetus and amniotic cavity and possible delivery problems ( O30-O48 )
· diseases classifiable elsewhere but complicating pregnancy, labour and delivery, and the puerperium ( O98-O99 )

O20 Haemorrhage in early pregnancy
Excludes: pregnancy with abortive outcome ( O00-O08 )
O20.0 Threatened abortion
Haemorrhage specified as due to threatened abortion
O20.8 Other haemorrhage in early pregnancy
O20.9 Haemorrhage in early pregnancy, unspecified

O21 Excessive vomiting in pregnancy
O21.0 Mild hyperemesis gravidarum
Hyperemesis gravidarum, mild or unspecified, starting before the end of the 22nd week of gestation
O21.1 Hyperemesis gravidarum with metabolic disturbance
Hyperemesis gravidarum, starting before the end of the 22nd week of gestation, with metabolic disturbance such as:
· carbohydrate depletion
· dehydration
· electrolyte imbalance
O21.2 Late vomiting of pregnancy
Excessive vomiting starting after 22 completed weeks of gestation
O21.8 Other vomiting complicating pregnancy
Vomiting due to diseases classified elsewhere, complicating pregnancy
Use additional code, if desired, to identify cause.
O21.9 Vomiting of pregnancy, unspecified

O22 Venous complications in pregnancy
Excludes: obstetric pulmonary embolism ( O88.- )
the listed conditions as complications of:
· abortion or ectopic or molar pregnancy ( O00-O07 , O08.7 )
· childbirth and the puerperium ( O87.- )
O22.0 Varicose veins of lower extremity in pregnancy
Varicose veins NOS in pregnancy
O22.1 Genital varices in pregnancy
varices in pregnancy
O22.2 Superficial thrombophlebitis in pregnancy
Thrombophlebitis of legs in pregnancy
O22.3 Deep phlebothrombosis in pregnancy
Deep-vein thrombosis, antepartum
O22.4 Haemorrhoids in pregnancy
O22.5 Cerebral venous thrombosis in pregnancy
Cerebrovenous sinus thrombosis in pregnancy
O22.8 Other venous complications in pregnancy
O22.9 Venous complication in pregnancy, unspecified
· phlebitis NOS
· phlebopathy NOS
· thrombosis NOS

O23 Infections of genitourinary tract in pregnancy
O23.0 Infections of kidney in pregnancy
O23.1 Infections of bladder in pregnancy
O23.2 Infections of urethra in pregnancy
O23.3 Infections of other parts of urinary tract in pregnancy
O23.4 Unspecified infection of urinary tract in pregnancy
O23.5 Infections of the genital tract in pregnancy
O23.9 Other and unspecified genitourinary tract infection in pregnancy
Genitourinary tract infection in pregnancy NOS

O24 Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy
Includes: in childbirth and the puerperium
# O24.0 Pre-existing diabetes mellitus, type 1(insulin-dependent)
# O24.1 Pre-existing diabetes mellitus, type 2(non-insulin-dependent)
O24.2 Pre-existing malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus
O24.3 Pre-existing diabetes mellitus, unspecified
O24.4 Diabetes mellitus arising in pregnancy
#O24.40 Diabetes mellitus arising in pregnancy, class A1
Gestational diabetes mellitus, class A1
#O24.41 Diabetes mellitus arising in pregnancy, class A2
Gestational diabetes mellitus, class A2
#O24.49 Diabetes mellitus arising in pregnancy, NOS
Diabetes mellitus arising in pregnancy, class A
Gestational diabetes mellitus NOS
O24.9 Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, unspecified

O25 Malnutrition in pregnancy
Malnutrition in childbirth and the puerperium

O26 Maternal care for other conditions predominantly related to pregnancy
O26.0 Excessive weight gain in pregnancy
Excludes: gestational oedema ( O12.0, O12.2)
O26.1 Low weight gain in pregnancy
O26.2 Pregnancy care of habitual aborter
Excludes: habitual aborter:
· with current abortion ( O03-O06)
· without current pregnancy ( N96)
O26.3 Retained intrauterine contraceptive device in pregnancy
O26.4 Herpes gestationis
O26.5 Maternal hypotension syndrome
Supine hypotensive syndrome
O26.6 Liver disorders in pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
Excludes: hepatorenal syndrome following labour and delivery ( O90.4)
O26.7 Subluxation of symphysis (pubis) in pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
# Symphysis pubis separation
Excludes: traumatic separation of symphysis (pubis) during childbirth ( O71.6)
O26.8 Other specified pregnancy-related conditions
Exhaustion and fatigue
Peripheral neuritis
Renal disease
O26.9 Pregnancy-related condition, unspecified

O28 Abnormal findings on antenatal screening of mother
Excludes: diagnostic findings classified elsewhere - see Alphabetical Index
maternal care related to the fetus and amniotic cavity and possible delivery problems ( O30-O48 )
O28.0 Abnormal haematological finding on antenatal screening of mother
O28.1 Abnormal biochemical finding on antenatal screening of mother
O28.2 Abnormal cytological finding on antenatal screening of mother
O28.3 Abnormal ultrasonic finding on antenatal screening of mother
O28.4 Abnormal radiological finding on antenatal screening of mother
O28.5 Abnormal chromosomal and genetic finding on antenatal screening of mother
O28.8 Other abnormal findings on antenatal screening of mother
O28.9 Abnormal finding on antenatal screening of mother, unspecified

O29 Complications of anaesthesia during pregnancy
Includes: maternal complications arising from the administration of a general or local anaesthetic, analgesic or other sedation during pregnancy
Excludes: complications of anaesthesia during:
· abortion or ectopic or molar pregnancy ( O00-O08 )
· labour and delivery ( O74.- )
· puerperium ( O89.- )
O29.0 Pulmonary complications of anaesthesia during pregnancy
Aspiration pneumonitis
Inhalation of stomach contents or secretions NOS
Mendelson's syndrome
Pressure collapse of lung
due to anaesthesia during pregnancy
O29.1 Cardiac complications of anaesthesia during pregnancy
· arrest
· failure
due to anaesthesia during pregnancy
O29.2 Central nervous system complications of anaesthesia during pregnancy
Cerebral anoxia due to anaesthesia during pregnancy
O29.3 Toxic reaction to local anaesthesia during pregnancy
O29.4 Spinal and epidural anaesthesia-induced headache during pregnancy
O29.5 Other complications of spinal and epidural anaesthesia during pregnancy
O29.6 Failed or difficult intubation during pregnancy
O29.8 Other complications of anaesthesia during pregnancy
O29.9 Complication of anaesthesia during pregnancy, unspecified