Chapter VII

Diseases of the eye and adnexa

Disorders of optic nerve and visual pathways

H46 Optic neuritis
· neuropathy, except ischaemic
· papillitis
Retrobulbar neuritis NOS
Excludes: ischaemic optic neuropathy ( H47.0 )
neuromyelitis optica [Devic] ( G36.0 )

H47 Other disorders of optic [2nd] nerve and visual pathways
H47.0 Disorders of optic nerve, not elsewhere classified
Compression of optic nerve
Haemorrhage in optic nerve sheath
Ischaemic optic neuropathy
H47.1 Papilloedema, unspecified
H47.2 Optic atrophy
Temporal pallor of optic disc
H47.3 Other disorders of optic disc
Drusen of optic disc
H47.4 Disorders of optic chiasm
H47.5 Disorders of other visual pathways
Disorders of optic tracts, geniculate nuclei and optic radiations
H47.6 Disorders of visual cortex
H47.7 Disorder of visual pathways, unspecified

H48* Disorders of optic [2nd] nerve and visual pathways in diseases classified elsewhere
H48.0* Optic atrophy in diseases classified elsewhere
Optic atrophy in late syphilis ( A52.1+ )
H48.1* Retrobulbar neuritis in diseases classified elsewhere
Retrobulbar neuritis in:
· late syphilis ( A52.1+ )
· meningococcal infection ( A39.8+ )
· multiple sclerosis ( G35+ )
H48.8* Other disorders of optic nerve and visual pathways in diseases classified elsewhere